Who are the new explorers?

Depending on the context and what we're going to explore, one of my favorite executive case studies has to do with Sir Ernest Shackleton and the voyage of the Endurance. It is a deep and rich mine of executive discovery opportunities. This year is the 100th anniversary of the conclusion of the Endurance adventure. The [...]

By |2021-01-19T09:45:43-04:00May 19th, 2016|Competence, Leadership, Thinking Differently|0 Comments

How to overcome reality distortion and blindspots

Years ago I was faced with a personal reality dilemma: an important life event was approaching. Expectations were high. Tensions were higher. There was something I was expected to do but couldn’t. The interpretation was that I wouldn’t. Afterwards, there was plenty of hurt and ill feelings to go around. Later, my friend, colleague and [...]

By |2021-01-19T09:45:44-04:00February 24th, 2016|Life, Thinking Differently|0 Comments

There is still no antidote for uncertainty

It’s February! The new year is up and running, so we had better be, as well! After listening to more than a few executives during 2015 and the beginning of this year, I’m convinced that one of the major challenges for 2016 – and beyond – will continue to be how executives deal with volatility, uncertainty, complexity, [...]

By |2021-01-19T09:45:44-04:00February 3rd, 2016|Strategy, Thinking Differently|0 Comments

Resistance or a third-order linear partial differential equation?

"Leadership involves leading." I read that somewhere and it's true enough, but leadership also involves implementing change. Sometimes (often?) change has a way of generating resistance in people. The best way to avoid resistance to change is to stop it before it starts. Really. You may not be able to eliminate all resistance, but what if [...]

What got you here and why you should care

Our accumulated life-to-date experiences cause us to believe in and rely on the abilities we think got us here. “It worked last time; I’ll try it again.” It’s not hard to imagine that we could use these abilities to the point of being entrenched in their familiarity. There’s a problem. Repeating what has worked has gotten us where [...]

By |2015-11-24T15:45:06-04:00November 24th, 2015|Life, Thinking Differently|0 Comments

There are two kinds of simplicity

There are two kinds of simplicity. The first is on this side of complexity. It is easy, cheap and superficial. It doesn’t ask for much. Neither does is give much in return. It will often lead you astray and keep you from what you need most: understanding. The second kind of simplicity is on the [...]

By |2015-11-29T20:07:13-04:00August 17th, 2015|Competence, Life, Thinking Differently|0 Comments

How will your future arrive?

What got us here wont’t get us there. Many, if not most, upwardly mobile executives made a name for themselves by solving hard problems. While that is a valuable skill set, it rarely opens the door to the C-suite by itself. Of course there are still problems to solve, but they pale in comparison to [...]

By |2021-01-19T09:45:44-04:00August 4th, 2015|Life, Thinking Differently|0 Comments

Context matters

If you change the context, you change the meaning of something. For example, if you desire more clarity, add contrast. Contrast creates clarity. Watch the video. . In Other Words... One should use common words to say uncommon things. ― Arthur Schopenhauer The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s [...]

By |2021-01-19T09:45:44-04:00July 6th, 2015|Communication, Life, Thinking Differently|0 Comments

Are you too smart for your own good?

OK, you’re a smart person. Really smart. Earlier, during your education and your career, your “smarts” were both reinforced and rewarded. Good for you! You’ve done well. There is a pattern of behaviors for people like you (smart and successful) that you should be aware of: you may be adding too much value by overusing [...]

By |2021-01-19T09:45:45-04:00June 4th, 2015|Leadership, Thinking Differently|0 Comments
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