Your scary future, Part 1
We are moving from a world of problems, which demand speed, analysis, and elimination of uncertainty to solve – to a world of dilemmas which demand patience, sense-making, and an engagement with uncertainty, said transformative[...]
Is busy the new lazy?
I haven't posted here in months. I’ve been busy. Sound familiar? “I’ve been busy” or “I’m too busy.” A few months ago a good friend, let’s call him Max, said, “I think busy is the[...]
Please, no more grandiose plans or ideas
I can hear you thinking (those of you who know me), "What about BHAGs (big, hairy, audacious goals) and 'big thinking' and even 'big ideas' – you believe in those things?" True enough. Now, please[...]
How to use context for better decision making
A dear friend and mentor once told me, “Being a manager is easy: you make decisions. If you make a bad decision, you correct it with another one. If you make too many bad decisions,[...]
A good argument is a good thing
Are not. Am too. Are not! Am too! That's an argument no one wants to have. With good reason. It's going nowhere. Good arguments, or passionate debates, are necessary for great relationships to grow. Look into[...]
Why you can’t have everything
Picture a small boy in a candy store with a $20 bill in his pocket. As he looks around the store at all the wonderful delights, he knows he can have anything he wants! Fast[...]