
Do you really know how to “think out of the box?” – Part 3, How can I escape the box?

The previous post, and the one before that, demonstrated that the unrealized act of self-deception is one of the largest factors undermining relationships, teamwork, and performance. Self-deception puts us in a box that blinds us[...]

By |April 2nd, 2015|Categories: Life, Thinking Differently|

Do you really know how to “think out of the box?” – Part 2, How bad could it be?

In my last post we looked at how self-deception can put us “in a box” and literally keep us from “thinking outside the box.” When we betray ourselves we seek to justify ourselves. We tell[...]

By |March 26th, 2015|Categories: Life, Thinking Differently|

Do you really know how to think “out of the box?” – Part 1

Most don’t. Oh, it's not because they’re not smart or that opportunities don’t abound. It’s not even because teachers, consultants and the like aren’t overflowing with lists, how-to’s, and tricks designed to “expand” our thinking beyond[...]

By |March 23rd, 2015|Categories: Life, Thinking Differently|
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