
Your scary future, Part 7; how do you find comfort in an uncomfortable world?

Every generation seems to feel that it has the most complex and challenging of times. They’re no more or less right than we are. We observe, and believe, that our connected and digital world moves[...]

By |November 5th, 2014|Categories: Competence, Strategy, Thinking Differently|

Your scary future, Part 6; flexing and all that jazz

V.U.C.A. world or not, we still have to make a difference. We still have to contribute. We still have to deliver value. And that means taking action and getting results. Yet, action unfolds and results[...]

By |August 25th, 2014|Categories: Competence, Life, Strategy, Thinking Differently|

Your scary future, Part 5; the necessity of a prepared mind

The future is about change; both dangerous discontinuity and positive permutation. The future is very complicated. The whole of it is greater than the sum of the parts – you can’t really understand it by[...]

By |August 19th, 2014|Categories: Competence, Life, Strategy, Thinking Differently|

Your scary future, Part 3: sense and sensibility

Listen for a word: absolutely (and its kin: exactly, precisely, of course, no doubt, without question, totally, undoubtedly, clearly, utterly). How often do you hear it used in daily speech? Probably more than in the[...]

By |July 15th, 2014|Categories: Competence, Life, Strategy, Thinking Differently|

Your scary future, Part 2: what kind of problem do you have?

You have had problems. You currently have problems and you will have problems. Our world has always been characterized by some degree of uncertainty and complexity, highlighted by encounters with volatility and ambiguity (VUCA). Today[...]

By |July 6th, 2014|Categories: Competence, Life, Strategy, Thinking Differently|Tags: , , , , |
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